Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Review - Rapstarrr

Though I generally make it a point not to review any track that ends with a bunch of "R's", I gave this a spin and it reeeeaaallly brought me back to the golden era of hiphop.

Check out RAPSTARRR by BluntStarrr, review below:

This track takes me back to 93', you really got the sound down really well. The beat is a little too Cypress Hill for my tastes, but it does what it's supposed to do, and that's make my head bob. Lovely bass in the back, by the way.

The songs got a lot of bounce, and it snaps crackles and pops enough for me to eat it for breakfast.

My main criticism would be the vocals in the track. Though they the track quite well, at some points the flow gets a bit iffy and the lyrics (the ones I can catch) seem to wander quite a bit. If you could re-record the vocals, or somehow process them so they clear up a bit it would make them a more pleasant listening experience.

You know, regarding promoting this track, it's soooo old-school that while us established fans will love it, I can't really see this catching on. This is 2008 and your track would have wrecked the scene say 15 years ago. That's just my opinion, and hopefully it works for you, but I think a more modern sound would suit you a bit better.

To clarify though, the track is hot. Much enjoyed this little dusty gem and give it one and a half thumbs up.

I got told from a very good guitar player once when I asked his advice regarding approach and methodology, and he said "Imitate, the innovate". You got the imitate down pat, now I want to see you innovate!

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